Infoday on EU Horizon Europe Partnerships

15 Sep, 2022

Last September, 7 the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) held an infoday on EU Partnerships to present the financing framework of the following projects: BIODIVERSA+Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), INNOVATIVE SMEs (EUROSTARS  and INNOWWIDE), Water Security for the Planet (WATER4ALL), Key Digital Tecnologies Joint Undertaking (KDT-JU) and Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership). These projects have calls for transnational projects in 2022 and for the following five years. The PWP presentations of the Infoday are available (in Spanish) in this website. Specifically, the general presentations (1. Directrices iniciales and 2. Las asociaciones cofinanciadas en el marco de Horizonte Europa CDTI) are of particular interest.

In addition, on September, 13 an infoday on the CET Partnership was held to present its Joint Call 2022. This call is divided in two stages and it is structured in 11 modules. The calendar to be taken into account is as follows:

  • 14 September 2022: Calls for Stage 1 (pre-proposal) opens
  • October 2022 (date TBC): Infoday
  • 23 November 2022: Stage 1 deadline
  • January 2023:Communication to applications selected for full-proposal stage (Stage 2)
  • 20 March 2023: Stage 2 deadline
  • June 2023: Communication of projects selected for funding
  • September 2023: Tentative start of funded projects

The Joint Call 2022 for the WATER4ALL Partnership is also now open. The call’s deadline is October, 31st. On September, 23rd there will be an online Infoday between 14 and 15.30h,  which can be accesed through this link.

EU Partnerships are the new version of the joint programming initiatives that already existed in the Horizon 2020 Framework Program (ERA-NET, Public-Private Partnerships, EIT-KICs, etc.). They arise to respond to ambitious and complex objectives of the European Union that cannot be addressed through other types of projects, facilitating a framework for collaboration at program level between the European Union and public and private partners. All partnerships are based on Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIAs) of their own, and accepted by all participants in each partnership. In particular, they are expected to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In short, they are initiatives in which the EU, together with private and/or public partners, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a program of research and innovation activities.

The European Partnerships are thematically linked to the Clusters and all have an annual Work Plan.

The State Research Agency together with the CDTI participate as funding agencies of these open calls for international projects in these partnerships. In the case of CETPartnership, the following regional entities are added: the Regional Ministry of Science, Innovation and University of Asturias/FICYT, the Basque Energy Agency (EVE), the Basque Government/SPRI and the Society for the Development of Cantabria (SODERCAN). In the case of BIODIVERSA+ the participation of the Biodiversity Foundation is added.