UnILiON Brokerage event on Cluster 5 – Horizon Europe

22 Mar, 2024

We would like to inform you of the following event, which will take place online on 15 April, organised as part of our active participation in UnILiON (54 Brussels-based liaison offices representing more than 160 universities).

The aim of this event is to strengthen the collaboration between the universities that are part of this informal network, with reference to cluster 5 of the Horizon Europe programme, objectives 2 and 6. Please find below the link for information and registration for the event.

The Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Transfer invites you to participate in this event by indicating your areas of interest through the following link, taking into account that participation can be as a participant (listening to the presentations) or as a presenter (3-minute presentation of your ideas and potential). From the expressions of interest received, UnILiON will select one presentation per institution.

We hope this information is of interest, for further clarification and to request the PPT presentation template, please contact