The European Commission has just launched new calls for proposals under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ (MSCA) Staff Exchanges and Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) stands. The total budget of the two calls is € 161.5 million. The 2021 COFUND call, with a total budget of €89 million, will close on 10 February 2022, whereas the 2021 Staff Exchanges call, with a budget of €72.5 million, will close on 9 March 2022.
MSCA COFUND provides funding to organisations in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries for new or existing doctoral and postdoctoral programmes. The action supports training and career development through co-funding mechanisms, and promotes excellent working conditions for researchers, and sustainable training and international, interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral mobility.
MSCA Staff Exchanges support short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities. The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe and beyond.