Particiaption in “Conference on Research Careers 2023”

30 Nov, 2023

Last 21st and 22nd of November, the “Conference on Research Careers 2023” took place in Brussels.

Speakers from the European Commission were Manuel Aleixo (Head of Unit RTD.A.2), Michele Rosa-Clot (HRS4R Portfolio Manager), Dario Capezzuto (Policy Officer); and many others of great value such as: Anneke Kastelein (President of the Phd Network Netherlands).

Many topics of interest for universities were discussed, in relation to the “European Framework for Research Careers”:

  • definition and recognition of research professions and comparability of research careers,
  • recruitment and working conditions,
  • competences of researchers to develop intersectoral careers and business innovation,
  • career development and progression,
  • balanced mobility of talents and making Europe an attractive destination,
  • actions to support research careers.

It was also of great importance to comment on documents such as:

– European Charter for Researchers: Provides a framework of reference and a set of principles for the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers.

– Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers: Provides for transparency of the recruitment and selection process, ensuring equal treatment of all applicants, and includes obligations for employees and funders.

The Charter & Code focus on 4 thematic areas:

  • Safety conditions at work and Social Security
  • Recruitment
  • Training and professional development
  • Ethical and professional aspects

It also addressed the existing problems with the cross-border mobility of researchers (pensions), currently seeking to favour all researchers, sectors and disciplines through the development of new policies.

Finally, with reference to the Interim Report for Assessment, possible areas for improvement were presented:

  • Completion of the online form
  • Explanation of the evolution of the content
  • Lack of evidence of research participation
  • Relevance and evidence of indicators,
  • Insufficient connection to the initial gap analysis.
  • Quality and design of the website.

More information can be found at the following link.