“Nanotecnologías y tecnologías avanzadas para la prevención” CASCADE FUNDING

14 Mar, 2024

The project “Nanotechnologies and Advanced Technologies for Prevention” is a Cascade Funding that aims to foster and enable transnational collaboration between academic research (public-private partnership, i.e. research teams from universities, higher education centers and public research institutions) and clinical and public health research (research teams from hospitals, healthcare centers and other healthcare organizations).


(a) Regenerative medicine

b) Diagnostics

c) Nanotherapy

Each application must include partners from at least two of the three categories A, B and C. The number of participants and their contribution to the research must be appropriate to the objectives of the transnational research project and reasonably balanced in terms of international participation.

Deadline for submission of applications: June 13, 2024.

More information at the following link.

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