HE Cluster 3: Info-day and Brokerage Event

27 Jun, 2023

The event is organized by the Network of Security National Contact Points – SEREN5, in close cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs and the European Research Executive Agency.

This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2023 calls for proposals in Cluster 3. Participants will also have the possibility to join a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of the 2023 Cluster 3 calls. The matchmaking event will give participants the opportunity to join pre-arranged meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon Europe project consortia. Call topics included in the matchmaking system come from recently published official Cluster 3 Work Programme.

Researchers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders actively looking for project partners, can submit their project ideas for a flash Pitch presentation session, that will take place before bilateral meetings.

The Horizon Europe “Civil Security for Society” calls offer research and innovation funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and other security stakeholders.

More info in the following link.