Erasmus+ Spanish Infoday

6 Feb, 2023

The Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE), National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, organises the information session next February 15, 2023 through its YouTube channel, aimed at applicants of cooperation partnerships projects in the higher education sector (KA220-HED) of the 2023 call.

The aim of this session is to share the new features of this Erasmus+ call and to address key aspects of the new application form, in order to help applicants for this type of projects.

Link to access the session:


16:00-16:15 KA220-HED actions and the lump sum model. Ms. Lola Martínez Pomet, Head of the KA2 Department, Higher-education Unit, SEPIE.

16:15-16:30 Key Action 2 in an institution and key success factors. Mr. Mariano Sanz Prieto, Didactics and Theory of Education Department. Universidad Autónoma Madrid.

16:30-16:50 The application form: general aspects to take into account. Ms. María Martín González, technical educational advisor, Higher-education Unit, SEPIE.

16:50 End of the InfoDay