DUT Call 2023: People-centred urban transformation

11 Mar, 2024

For Stage 2 of the DUT 2023 Call (deadline 30/04/2023), the funding partners have decided to allow the addition of new partners ( Inclusion Procedure ).

Results of Stage 1:

  • 183 Pre-proposals submitted
  • 205,628,328.36 € Total funding

The purpose of this call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The challenges are grouped into three themes called ‘Transition Pathways: Positive Energy Districts, the 15-minute city and Circular Urban Economies’.

It is the second call of the European Partnership to Boost Urban Transitions (DUT), co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe.

Here the link to the  matchmaking platform.

More info in the following link.