The information day for MSCA DN coordinators will be divided into two days, 8 and 9 November 2023.
The aim of the first day is to inform DN coordinators, beneficiaries and National Contact Points (NCPs) about the new rules and procedures for Doctoral Networks (DN).
Pre-recorded presentations on legal, operational and financial issues will be available one month before the event. This will optimise interaction on 8 November, when the session will be dedicated to answering questions on the above topics. You will be able to ask your questions via Slido before and during the event.
On the second day, a plenary session will be organised to raise awareness of networking opportunities and possible synergies.
The detailed agenda will be available soon at the link below.
Para saber más sobre las convocatorias para MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01) con deadline el 28 de noviembre, visitar el siguiente enlace.