On June 10, 11 y 12th, the European Projects Office of the URJC’s Vicerrectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer, has participated, together with FECYT, which coordinates the Spanish network of Euraxess centres, in the Biannual Euraxess (https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/7AKl3BDpvAX9xa5IMIOLa9/overview) that took place in Katowice, Poland, European city of Science in 2024.
As in every edition, the Conference has brought together the national representatives and the Bridgehead Organisatoins (BHO) of all those countries in which the Euraxess network is present (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/global/map).
On this occasion, the theme chosen by the European Commission and the host city has bene to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Euraxess, the launch of the revamped Euraxess platform (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/) and the new ERA TALENT platfor (https://ec.europa.eu/era-talent-platform/#:~:text=ERA%20TALENT%20PLATFORM%20INITIATIVES&text=A%20unique%20web%20portal%20offering,organisations%20in%20Europe%20and%20beyond) which is now embedded in the Euraxess platform. Hence, the Euraxess platform is a one-stop shop with all the services and tools available for the research staff (job opportunities, practical information on european countries from a researcher’s perspective, tools for the development of the professional career, Euraxess initiatives, etc.).
The new European framework for research careers, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3807) was also presented during the Conference, as well as the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers and the HRS4R Award, which the URJC was granted in 2018 (https://www.urjc.es/hrs4r).
“Euraxess-Researchers in motion” is an initiative of the European Research Area (ERA), which aims at facilitating the movement of researchers, supporting career development, creating conditions for open and transparent recruitment, promoting cooperation between research performing organisations and fostering attractive research careers across Europe and beyond.
The network currently includes 43 European representatives (Member States and Associated) with more than 630 associated service centres, offering tailored information on 18 topics of support (VISA, pension, taxes etc.), and 9 international offices operating in various regions of the world. As of January 2024, the European EURAXESS portal counts more than 14.000 registered organisations, more than 110.000 researchers active on the platform and an average of 62.000+ jobs, funding and hosting opportunities published each year.
More information on the Conference and to access the PPT presentations, available at https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/7AKl3BDpvAX9xa5IMIOLa9/programme.