New CERV 2023-2024 Work Program published

21 Dec, 2022

Over the next two years, 352 million euros are to be devoted to funding new projects that promote the European values and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In 2023, the calls will address training on the implementation of the Charter; the promotion of equality and non-discrimination; historical memory, the commitment and participation of citizens; intercultural dialogue and networks between municipalities; and, finally, the fight against gender violence, against minors and other groups at risk, through a call for intermediary entities.

The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV) has the general objective of protecting and promoting the rights and values enshrined in the Treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the applicable international human rights conventions, in particular by supporting civil society organizations and other stakeholders active at local, regional, national and transnational levels, as well as fostering democratic and civic participation, in order to promote and further develop open, rights-based, democratic, egalitarian and inclusive societies founded on the rule of law.

The CERV Program has 4 funding strands:

  • Protecting and promoting Union values (strand 1, “Union values”).
  • Promote rights, non-discrimination and equality, in particular gender equality, and enhance gender mainstreaming and non-discrimination integration; (strand 2, “Equality, rights and gender equality”);
  • Promoting citizens’ engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union and exchanges between citizens of different Member States, as well as awareness of the common European history (Chapter 3, “Citizens’ engagement and participation”);
  • Combating violence, including gender-based violence (strand 4, “Daphne”).

It will cover the following thematic areas:

  • Fundamental rights
  • Defense of the rule of law
  • Democracy and human rights
  • Combating and addressing discrimination
  • Combating racism and xenophobia
  • Combating anti-Semitism
  • Combating hatred of Islam
  • Gender equality
  • Children’s rights
  • Violence against women and children
  • European citizenship policy
  • European citizenship
  • European Citizenship Initiative
  • Cultural heritage and diversity

The Work Program 2023-2024 is published in the following link.