COST PurpleGain – New activites for 2024

12 Jan, 2024

Since November 2022, the Rey Juan Carlos University, from the European Projects Office of the Vicerrectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer, manages the COST Action CA 21146 PurpleGain as Grant Holder Manager .

The project, whose principal investigator (PI) is Daniel Puyol, is a firm commitment of the Vicerrectorate to the creation of a strong and sustainable European network to share information, facilitate technology and knowledge transfer between academia and industry related to the development of Purple Phototrophic Bacteria (PPB) applications, a group of anaerobic photosynthetic microorganisms inhabiting aquatic and terrestrial environments that are an ideal tool for the recovery of resources from organic waste.

Throughout the second Grant Period (GP2), which will run until October 2024, the following activities will take place:

  • 23 January (Brussels, Belgium): Management Committee and Core Group meeting.
  • 11 March (Mons, Belgium): First Purple Bubble: a meeting with companies to examine possible commercialisation paths for PPB research results.
  • 15-19 April (Lisbon, Portugal): Second Purple Week: where three activities will be carried out – Training School, Workshop and meeting of the Management Committee and Core Group.
  • 17 May (Linares, Spain): Second Purple Bubble.
  • 9-11 September (Valladolid, Spain): First International Conference on Novel Photorefineries for Resource Recovery.

In addition, Action members will have the opportunity to benefit from funding for short-term scientific missions (STSMs) and presentations at international conferences (ITC conference grants).

For more information, please visit the social networks of the project:
