New event “Equipping Your Teams to Increase Funding Successes”

14 Dec, 2023

The European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) will organise the event “Equipping your teams to increase funding success” in January 2024. The aim is to provide a safe space to explore and address issues directly related to grants and funding strategies, among others.

  • Objective: To learn how to better manage and leverage funding opportunities, previously awarded grants and researcher profiles to enhance the attractiveness of proposals and their funding strategies.
  • Event Date: January 29, 2024
  • Place: Online via the website

This event is completely free of charge, but it is necessary to complete the registration process in order to access it.

Links of interest:

Equipping Your Teams to Increase Funding Successes | earma
To register for the event, click HERE.