HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-01-04: Integrate CCAM services in fleet and traffic management systems (CCAM Partnership)
Keywords: Australia | automated fleets | Canada | CCAM | CCAM partnership | commercial | Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility | conventional vehicles | Copernicus | EGNOS | fleet | fleet management | fleet management systems | fleets | fleets operated by public or private transport operators | forecasting | Galileo | Galileo/EGNOS | goods | individual vehicles | interfaces | International cooperation | interoperability | Japan | logistics | management systems | mixed traffic orchestration concepts | mobility | mobility network | mobility service provision | mobility services | mobility system | model | models | modes of transport | multimodal transport system | optimisation | people | pooled | private | private transport | public | public transport | seamless mobility | shared | simulation | simulation models | Singapore | Social Sciences and Humanities | South Korea | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH expert | SSH expertise | SSH experts | traffic | traffic efficiency | traffic management | Traffic management systems | transport | transport network | transport of goods | transport of people | TRL 6 | TRL 6-7 | TRL 7 | US | user needs | win-win-win
Year: 2022
Type of action: IA
Expected EU contribution per project: 4 to 5M€
Deadline: 12/1/2022