HORIZON-HLTH-IND-2022-13-02: Scaling up multi-party computation, data anonymisation techniques and synthetic data generation
HORIZON-HLTH-IND-2022-13-05: Setting up a European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format Ecosystem
HORIZON-HLTH-IND-2021-07-03: Promoting a trusted mHealth label in Europe: uptake of Technical specifications for “Quality and Reliability of Health and Wellness Apps”
HORIZON-HLTH-TOOL-2021-06-03: Innovative tools for use and re-use of health data (in particular electronic health records and/or patient registries)
HORIZON-HLTH-TOOL-2022-11-01: Optimising effectiveness in patients of existing prescription drugs for major diseases (except cancer) with the use of biomarkers
HORIZON-HLTH-TOOL-2022-11-02: New methods for the effective use of real-world data and/or synthetic data in regulatory decision-making and/or in health technology assessment