HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-01-02: Reliable occupant protection technologies and HMI solutions to ensure the safety of highly automated vehicles (CCAM Partnership)
Keywords: ability | age | Australia | automated vehicles | body postures | Canada | CAVs | CCAM | CCAM partnership | collisions | Connected and Automated Vehicles | Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility | ESoP | European Statement of Principles for human-machine interaction | Gender | HMI | HMI functionalities | human behaviour | Human-Machine-Interface | International cooperation | Japan | model | modelling | models | occupant size | ODD | ODDs | Operational Design Domains | prevent crashes | seating positions | Singapore | Social Sciences and Humanities | South Korea | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH expert | SSH expertise | SSH experts | standards | structural layout of vehicles | traffic | traffic rules | TRL 5 | UNECE | US | vehicle | vehicles
Year: 2022
Type of action: RIA
Expected EU contribution per project: 6 to 8M€
Deadline: 12/1/2022