HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-02: Solutions for the sustainable, resilient, inclusive and accessible regeneration of neighbourhoods enabling low carbon footprint lifestyles and businesses (Built4People)
Keywords: accessibility | accessible | affordability | B4P | B4P partnership | Built4People | businesses | by-products | Carbon footprint | Circular economy | Circularity | citizen participation | citizens | city planning | Climate neutrality | Cultural heritage | decision-making | decision-making processes | Digital | digital applications | Digital tools | diverse geographical areas | Driving urban transitions | durability | efficient use of resources | elderly people | energy poverty | environmental performance | footprint | gentrification | inclusive | inclusiveness | indoor | industry | lifestyles | local | local industries | local sources | low carbon footprint | low-emission | mobility | mobility solutions | model | models | multi-modal mobility | multi-modal mobility concepts | neighbourhood | neighbourhoods | outdoor | participatory processes | People-centric | People-centric Sustainable Built Environment | persons with disabilities | raw-materials | recyclability | reduced mobility | regeneration | regeneration of neighbourhoods | renewable energy | Renewable energy generation | residues | resilience | resilient | reuse | rural | smart growth | Social Sciences and Humanities | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH expertise | SSH experts | sustainability | Sustainable | TRL 6 | TRL 6-7 | TRL 7 | urban | urban mining | waste heat recovery
Year: 2022
Type of action: IA
Expected EU contribution per project: 5 to 7.5M€
Deadline: 24/1/2023