HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-12: Replicable solutions for a cross sector compliant energy ecosystem

Keywords: 5G | AI | appliances | appliances manufacturers | Artificial Intelligence | associated countries | barrier | barriers | Big Data | BRIDGE | business model | Business models | catalogue | catalogue of services | cloud/edge computing | computing | consumer | consumer group | consumer groups | consumer's participation | consumers | cross sector | Cybersecurity | cybersecurity requirements | Data Centre operators | data exchange | demand | demand response | Digital | Digital technologies | electric vehicle | energy | energy consumer | energy consumers | energy consumption | energy cooperatives | energy ecosystem | energy flexibility market | energy market | energy smart | energy smart appliance | energy smart appliances | energy smart home appliances | energy source | energy sources | Energy Standards Development | Energy Standards Development Organisation | Energy storage | energy system | energy technologies | entry barrier | entry barriers | European and Global ICT | European ICT | EV | EV charging | EV manufacturers | Global ICT | grid | home appliance | home appliances | ICT | ICT companies | industry | Internet of things | interoperable solutions | IT | IT tool | IT tools | market | Market access | marketplace | marketplaces | Minimum Interoperability | office building that in their parkings offer eV chargers | open source | open source solutions | participation of consumers | privacy | privacy issues | public buildings | renewable | renewable energy | Renewable Energy Sources | renewables | replicability | replicable | response | retailers owning buildings (heating/cooling) in many cities | SAREF | schools | SCO/aggregators | services | SMEs | standards | start-ups | storage providers | sustainable marketplace | sustainable marketplaces | system integrators | tailor made | tool | tools | TRL 6 | TRL 6-7 | TRL 7 | water treatment plants
Year: 2022
Type of action: IA
Expected EU contribution per project: 8 to 9M€
Deadline: 26/4/2022