HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-04 : Demonstrate the use of high temperature geothermal reservoirs to provide energy storage for the energy system

Keywords: circular design | Citizen engagement | control system | control systems | corrosion | distribution | distribution network | distribution system | distribution systems | electricity | electricity production | energy | Energy storage | energy system | geomechanical | geomechanical effects | geothermal | geothermal heat | geothermal heat and electricity production | geothermal heat production | geothermal plant | geothermal plants | geothermal reservoir | geothermal reservoirs | geothermal system | Geothermal systems | heat demand | high temperature | high temperature geothermal reservoir | high temperature geothermal reservoirs | high-temperature underground thermal energy storage | HT-UTES | hydrogeochemical | hydrogeochemical problem | hydrogeochemical problems | infrastructure | injection | injection operation | injection operations | installation | installations | LCOE | levelized cost of energy | multidisciplinary | multidisciplinary understanding | pipe | pipes | piping system | piping systems | plant | plants | pressure | pressure change | pressure changes | Production | production operation | production operations | production system | production systems | regulatory framework | regulatory frameworks | reservoir | reservoir of UTES | reservoirs | reservoirs of UTES | return temperature from the surface | return temperature from the surface site | seasonal injection | seasonal injection operation | seasonal injection operations | seasonal injection/production operation | seasonal injection/production operations | seasonal production | seasonal production operation | seasonal production operations | SET Plan | SET Plan targets | social acceptance | Social Sciences and Humanities | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH expertise | SSH experts | storage | Strategic Energy Technology | Strategic Energy Technology Plan | subsurface | subsurface characterisation | system | temperature | temperature change | temperature changes | thermal energy storage systems | TRL 7 | underground thermal energy storage | UTES | waste | waste heat | waste-heat source
Year: 2022
Type of action: IA
Expected EU contribution per project: 20M€
Deadline: 26/4/2022