HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-01: Demonstration of cost-effective advanced biofuel technologies utilizing existing industrial plants
Keywords: Advanced biofuel | Advanced biofuel production | Advanced biofuel production facilities | advanced biofuel technologies | algorithms | Biofuel | Biofuel plants | biofuel processing | biofuel production production | biofuel site | biofuel sites | biofuel technologies | Biofuel technology | biofuels | biomass | Circularity | commercialization | cost effectiveness | Digitalization | economic advantages | economic improvements | Economic improvements of advanced biofuel plants | energy | expenditure | facilities | facility | feedstock | final plant | first generation | first generation biofuel plants | first generation biofuel sites | non-feed | non-food | non-food/feed | oil-refineries | paper mill industry | penetration | Penetration of advanced biofuels in the transport energy system | performance | petrochemical industry | phasing-out | phasing-out industries | phasing-out industry | plants | processing | Production of advanced biofuels from feed sustainable biomass feedstock | Production of advanced biofuels from non-food | renewable | renewable fuel | Renewable fuels | replicability | Sensors | smarter equipment | Social Sciences and Humanities | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH expertise | SSH experts | Sustainable | systems | transformation | transport | transport energy | transport energy system | transport system | TRL 6 | TRL 7 | up scale | up-scaling | Use of renewable fuels in transport | waste treatment plants
Year: 2022
Type of action: IA
Expected EU contribution per project: 10M€
Deadline: 26/4/2022