HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-02: Interface and electron monitoring for the engineering of new and emerging battery technologies (Batteries Partnership)
Keywords: analytical technique | analytical techniques | atom | atoms | BATTERY 2030+ | battery cell | battery cells | battery chemistries | battery cycling conditions | battery industry | battery interfaces | battery material | Battery materials | battery technologies | Battery technology | buried | chemical composition | computational | computational technique | control movement | electrocatalysis | electrochemist | electrochemistry | electrode | electrode interface | electrode interfaces | electrodes | electrolyte interface | electrolyte interfaces | electrolytes | electron | electron and ion | Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | electron transfer | electron transfer reactions | electronic charge | electronic wiring | electrons | engineering new interfaces | EPR | experimental | FEL | Free Electron Laser | greener | in situ | interface | interfaces | interfacial reactions | ion dynamic | ion dynamics | ion-beam | large scale | Li-ion | liquid-based | liquid-based batteries | liquid-based battery | liquid-based electrolytes | localisation | long-term | model | models | molecular scale | movement of atoms | nanoscale | neutron | neutron scattering | neutron spectroscopy | new methods | new storage concepts | NMR | operando | operando ambient pressure photoelectron | process level | redox process | redox processes | RIXS | scattering techniques | simulation | soft X-ray | solid-state | spectroscopy | spectroscopy techniques | stable chemistries | state-of-the-art | sub-nanoscale | sustainability | Sustainable | sustainable materials | synchrotron | techniques | TEM | transfer reactions | Transmission Electron Microscope | ultra-fast spectroscopic methods | X-ray
Year: 2022
Type of action: RIA
Expected EU contribution per project: 5M€
Deadline: 6/9/2022