HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-02-04: Supporting the formulation of adaptation strategies through improved climate predictions in Europe and beyond

Keywords: adaptation | adaptation measures | adaptation options | Air quality | all levels | associated countries | bias | biases | climate change impact | climate change impacts | climate impact | climate impacts | Climate information | climate model | climate prediction | climate predictions | climate replicas | climate risk | climate risks | climate variables | climate-related event | climate-related events | co-variability | computing resources | cooperation in climate sciences | Copernicus Programme | CORDEX | data aggregation | decadal prediction | Destination Earth | Digital Twin of the Ocean under the EU Green Deal call LC-GD-9-3-2020 | dissemination | dissemination of project results | early detection | Earth observation | end-user | end-users | ESA science satellite missions | EU Adaptation Strategy | Euro-CORDEX | extreme climate event | Extreme climate events | extreme weather | FAIR principles | fit-for-purpose data | frequency | frequency of hazards | GEO | GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems | Group on Earth Observations | intensity | intensity of hazards | interactions between climate system and other natural and socio-economic systems | International cooperation | Land use | leadership in climate sciences | local impact | local impact assessment | long-term planning | long-term weather forecast | Mission on Adaptation to climate change | model | model biases | model development | model simulations | operational platform | policy-makers | regional pattern | regional patterns | risk assessment | risk factors | scientific collaboration | seasonal prediction | simulation | simulations | societal transformation | SSH | SSH discipline | SSH disciplines | SSH experts | stakeholders | state-of-the-art IT | synergies | third countries | tipping point | tipping points | urban dynamics | WCRP’s Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment project | weather forecast
Year: 2022
Type of action: RIA
Expected EU contribution per project: 10M€
Deadline: 10/2/2022