HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-02-02: Development of high-resolution Earth system models for global and regional climate change projections
Keywords: adaptation | adaptation measure | adaptation measures | advanced digital technologies | adverse effect | adverse effects | adverse effects of climate change | Antarctic | Antarctic region | anthropogenic | anthropogenic forcers | Arctic | Arctic and Antarctic regions | Arctic region | atmosphere-ocean-land | atmosphere-ocean-land-ice | Climate change | climate change impact | climate modelling activities | climate projection | climate projections | climate replicas | climate variability | climatic hazards | climatic systems | cloud-based | cloud-based facilities | Cluster 6 | CMIP | computing resources | cooperation in climate sciences | Copernicus Programme | Destination 1 Cluster 5 | Destination 5 Cluster 6 | Destination Earth Initiative | Digital technologies | disaster | Disaster risk reduction | Earth observation | Earth System Model | Earth system models | EOSC | ESA | ESA science satellite missions | estimation methodologies | estimation methodology | EuroHPC | European Open Science Cloud | FAIR principles | GEO | GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems | Group on Earth Observations | ice shields | ICT infrastructures | integrated assessment models | International cooperation | IPCC | IPCC Assessment | leadership in climate sciences | mitigation | mitigation measure | mitigation measures | model | model outputs | model validation | model verification | modelling | new generation of climate models | ocean circulation | operational platform | paleoclimatic | paleoclimatic data | parameters | Paris Agreement | risk reduction | simulate climate | simulate key climate processes | simulation | state-of-the-art IT | tipping points | upload model | WCRP | WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Programme
Year: 2022
Type of action: RIA
Expected EU contribution per project: 10M€
Deadline: 10/2/2022