HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-05: Wind energy in the natural and social environment
Keywords: acceptability | applications | citizenship | clean energy | clean energy source | Climate neutrality | cumulative impacts | deployment | effects on animal life and other species | guidelines | holistic | holistic assessment | impact | impact on soil or sea beds | impacts | innovation | innovations | marine environment | metrics | model | modelling | modelling tools | models | NIMBY | NIMBY effect | noise | Not In My Backyard | Not In My BackYard effect | offshore | onshore | participatory | participatory process | participatory processes | renewable | renewable energy | renewable energy technologies | renewable energy technology | social acceptability | source | SSH | SSH disciplines | SSH expertise | SSH experts | tool | tools | TRL 5 | turbine | turbines | visual effect | wind | Wind energy | wind energy application | wind energy applications | wind energy innovation | wind energy innovations | wind farm | wind farms | wind installation | wind installations | wind turbines
Year: 2021
Type of action: RIA
Expected EU contribution per project: 3M€
Deadline: 23/2/2022