Water4All Launches Public Consultation on its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

19 Jun, 2024

The European partnership Water4All has launched a public consultation on the topics of its Strategic Research and Investigation Agenda (SRIA), which is scheduled to be updated by 2025. You can consult the SRIA 2022-2025 of the Water4All partnership in this link.

The main objective is to gather the stakeholders’ perspectives on Water4All’s scientific scope. The Spanish State Investigation Agency (AEI) has participated in the Water4All European partnership since its inception in 2021, financing research projects.

The preview of the survey can be consulted in pdf . The answers can be added in the link for the consultation (link here). The consultation shall remain open until Sunday, 11th August 2024.

Water4All’s SRIA is the basis for the collaboration between its partners. The SRIA is the result of a participative process in which all the partners can contribute to the identification of water -related key topics to be addressed by the programme through different types of activities, including research and innovation projects, demonstrations, dissemination or capacity building.

You can consult and download the current Water4All SRIA 2022-2025 document here.

For more information, click on this link.