21 Dec, 2023

The following theme was addressed: An exploration into cross-cutting issues impacting security research and innovation: research data and involvement of NGO/CSOs

Event organised by DG HOME to bring together security research practitioners, policy makers, researchers, civil society and industry to discuss cross-cutting issues that have a broad and horizontal impact on security research and innovation.

Issues addressed:

  • The need to have useful information to be able to conduct research.
  • Favouring the exchange of data between member states, hence the importance of creating an environment of trust (personal relationships) between the different actors: researchers, policy makers, police, etc.
  • Difficulty in sharing information due to legal issues or impossibility due to other interests. The possibility of sharing more information with fewer barriers should be sought: data creation, data use, EU legal-ethical policies, trust and governance framework. Encourage exchange between European actors.
  • Interest in creating a “data set“, with the aim of improving the fight against terrorism and other information that may be of interest.
  • Importance of using the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
  • Wide variety of research and papers, but lack of results-oriented actions.
  • Boosting research in academia, to connect researchers with the authorities that need to have access to information.