The Consolidator Grant 2025 call of the European Research Council (ERC) programme opens on 26 September 2024 and closes on 14 January 2025. Therefore, 3 webinars will be held to help you prepare your application:
- Webinar I: ERC Call – Consolidator Grant 2025 (first steps). 27 September 2024, from 11:00-13:00h CET
This first webinar will cover the basics of the call: what’s new in WP2025, process, panels and evaluation criteria, proposal format, followed by the curricular part (Sections B1b and B1c). Finally, at least half an hour will be devoted to collectively resolve any doubts that may have arisen about the call and this first part of the curriculum. The workshop will be given by the ERC National Contact Points.
Link to registration:
- Webinar II: How to prepare an ERC – Consolidator Grant 2025 proposal. 18 October 2024, 11:00-13:00h CET
The second webinar will provide some guidelines on how to properly write the sections dedicated to the proposal: Abstract, Section B1a and B2. Finally, after a break, there will be a space of at least half an hour to collectively resolve any doubts that may have arisen about these sections. The workshop will be given by the ERC National Contact Points.
Link to registration:
- Webinar III: Learning from Consolidator Grant 2024. The experience of 3 ERC Grantees. Date to be determined (December)
This third webinar will feature the experience of three winners of the last Consolidator Grant 2024 call, corresponding to the three scientific domains of the ERC. They will discuss their experience in dealing with the process with special emphasis on the process of preparing the documents.
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