COST PurpleGain – New activites for 2024

COST PurpleGain – New activites for 2024

Since November 2022, the Rey Juan Carlos University, from the European Projects Office of the Vicerrectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer, manages the COST Action CA 21146 PurpleGain as Grant Holder Manager . The project, whose principal investigator (PI) is...
Erasmus+ Spanish Infoday

Erasmus+ Spanish Infoday

The Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE), National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, organises the information session next February 15, 2023 through its YouTube channel, aimed at applicants of cooperation...
The European Projects Office attends the XXVIII CRUE R&D days

The European Projects Office attends the XXVIII CRUE R&D days

Last 9th and 10th November, the European Projects Office of the URJC’s Vice-rectorate for Innovation attended the 28th R&D days of the Spanish Universities Network CRUE, organised in Valencia. During the first day, the delegation of the European Projects...
Infoday Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility”

Infoday Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility”

The European Commission is organising an Infoday dedicated to Horizon Europe Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility”, to be held on December 15 and 16, in hybrid format, in Brussels (Conference Centre Albert Borschette). Registration will be available...
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 call NOW OPEN!

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 call NOW OPEN!

From October 6th and until March, 8th 2023 the 2022 MSCA Staff Exchanges call will be open. MSCA Staff Exchanges fosters scientific collaboration by financing the mobility and exchange of staff between academic and non-academic institutions. Staff Exchanges fund...